Saturday 25 July 2009

Body Language

I want to go into more detail about this important aspect. When you see any guy who is either naturally good at gaming in the field or a mPUA or any successful guy you'll notice a common trend amongst them all. They all have solid body language.

Their hands are always relaxed. If they're at a table, they may have their forearm on the table, their hands are open about half a meter apart, palms facing each other.

You'll notice moreso that they don't at any point start to sit on their hands, or hold onto something and start to play with it, they're not twiddling something in their fingers. I was once dating this HB9, but man she had some of the worst body language I'd ever come across. She kept fidgeting, hunched back, keep playing with her bracelets or the straw in her drink. Some might say that she was just nervous around the guy. But I noticed that her body language was consistent in all social interactions.

A confident person's hands are naturally still. You don't want to be seen putting your fingers into your mouth at any point, not to chew on nails or get out something stuck in your teeth. But you'll notice many amateurs doing this if you go out and look at others in the field.

Furthermore, you'll notice guys who are in clubs walking with an attitude, unfortunately for them, it's the wrong attitude. It's the guy who walks with a strut, but he has his shoulders up high, clenched fists and a strop on his face. He looks like he's in there to pick a fight not pick up women.

So just remember shoulders back, chest out, arms relaxed, out of pockets, walk slower but take longer strides. Repeat the affirmation to yourself 'I am relaxed. I am sexual. I am in control'. Keep your head up and eyes looking out along the horizon. If you catch someone's glare, don't look immediately away, hold it. Obviously if it seems like you're staring at each other and it's getting very uncomfortable it's OK to look away, but just don't look down which shows a lack of confidence, nervousness.

And on top of all of that, remember to smile, but not too much. Just send out a positive vibe about yourself, that you're a cool fun guy and people should want to get to know you.

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