Thursday 3 September 2009

Vibing Framework

Here are ways to improve your conversational skills in building comfort in a target;

Typical topics include:
  • logistics
  • ambitions
  • priorities in life
  • values in terms of family and friends
  • personality type
  • day to day habits
  • preferences and abilities
  • childhood experiences
  • romantic and sexual triggers
In order to make it work, you should consider the following after asking a question;
  • her answers
  • your responses to her answers
  • any stories you choose to tell
  • and sequencing into another topic
Natural follow up to her answers to continue the conversation can be as follows;
  • Why is that?
  • What are your thoughts on X?
  • How does that make you feel?
  • What is it about X that you like/dislike?
  • If you could change X or have it differently, what might you prefer, why?
Your responses should range from negging, to busting her balls, from commonality to vulnerability stories.

The following structure can be a comfort conversational escalation ladder that you can use:


Where do you live? How far? With parents, friends, flatmates?
How old are you?

Goals and Hobbies

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do you have any hobbies? (No, so what do you do in your spare time?)
Who do you spend the most time with?
What do you like doing more than anything else? If you could be paid to be anything in the world what would it be?
If you could be anyone or anything for one day, what would it be?
What's the best/worst job you ever had?
Are you rich? Do you plan to be?
What's your proudest accomplishment?


What matters most to you - career, family, friends or guys?
If you won the lottery, what would you spend it on?
If you died today, what would you miss most? What would you be saddest about not being able to do in the future?


What kind of crowd do you hang out with these days?
Do you keep friends for long? Are you still close with high school/university friends?
Do you have a best friend? How long have you known them?
What's important to you for someone to be a good friend?

Personality type

In a word, how would you describe yourself? How do you think your friends would describe you?
If they bottled your personality what would it be called?
A new law says you have to change your name to match your personality, so what shall we call you from now on?
If you were to be an animal, what would you be and why?
How often do you do new things or make plans and follow through on them?
If you're going to change your name, what would you make it?
What female celebrity would you most like to be? Which do you relate to most and why? If they were to make a movie about your life, who would you want as the role lead?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


What do you live your life by? What's your motto?
If your life was rated a movie, what classification would it get, which genre?
If you were in a western on a wanted poster, what would be your crime?
If you could have one magical power, which one would it be and how would you use it?
What in life do you fear?
What do you think most about - past, present or future?
Swimming in a cold pool, do you wade in slowly or jump? What about bandaids, do you tear it straight off or bit by bit?
What do you think life would have been like if you were a guy? What would you like most/least about being the opposite sex?

Day to day

Shower or bath? Hot or cold? Long or short? Morning or night?
Alarm clock - how many snoozes a day?
Sleeping - snorer? Nightlight? Sleep walker? Midnight snacker?
Phobias? Spiders, snakes, planes?


What do you get like when you're drunk?
When was the first time you got really hammered?
Favourite drink?
Who holds you back when you've had one too many?
What was the closest you ever came to being arrested?
What are some of your favourite clubs? Do you have any good connections?
What's the craziest party you've ever been to and what happened?


Do you cook, what's your best dish?
What's the primary staple of your diet?
What's your worst temptation?
If you could have anything right now to eat, what would it be?


Favourite season?
Favourite holiday? Christmas and family, big deal? Halloween and what to wear? Wildest New Year's?


What's the most daring stunt you've ever pulled?
When's the last time you went on a good rollercoast and felt your stomach just drop out beneath you?


What's your favourite kind of music?
What's your favourite CD?
What's the last concert you saw?
What's the most embarrassing CD you ever owned?
Did you ever play a musical instrument? Well?
Which genre of movies? Scariest movie you've seen?


Favourite place to shop?
If you were granted unlimited funds, what would you splurge it on?
What's the scariest thing in your closet?
What's your favourite item of clothing?
What's your most embarrassing hairstyle you ever had?
What do you like your style to project you as a person?


Which of your relatives are you closest with? Who understands you the most/best? Who do you miss the most when you go away?
If you weren't feeling well, who would be there to take care of you?
What sort of role do you play in your family?
Who's the strict one in your family?
Who in your family would you like to be closer to?
Who's the annoying one, like the one on holidays who asks 'Are we there yet' or pokes people?
Who's your funniest relative?
What's your family like at get togethers?
Siblings? What were the best and worst things about having them around?


Are you an animal lover? Geez not that kind, which country do we live in?
What's the first pet you ever owned? What was the weirdest pet you ever had? Most affectionate pet?
Cats or dogs?


What were you like as a kid?
Were you a troublemaker. I bet you tried to be totally badass.
Were you more likely to get dirty in the mud or host a dainty tea party?
Which one - teddy bear or dolls? Did you have a favourite? What was its name? What did it look like? Do you still have it today?
Which childhood toy do you most wish you could get back?
What were you most likely to run around the house pretending to be?
Did you ever belong to a clubhouse (girls only)?
Video games? Even as a kid? Extra points if it was a NES.....Duck Hunt?
What did you do with your summers as a kid?
Do you remember your tongue twisters? What's the hardest one you learned?
You know that nursery rhyme 'this little pig went to market?' How did that go?
Did you clown around a lot? What's the goofiest face you can make?

Growing Up

What was your most awkward geekiest age and why?
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?
What's the worst you ever cheated in school?
How have you changed most since you were a kid?
How have you changed most in the last five years?
Were girls ever attracted to cartoon characters growing up?


Do you believe in ESP?
Do you read your horoscope?
Have you ever seen a psychic? Had a tarot/palm reading?

Faith, life and death

Are you religious, spiritual, both/neither?
Do you ever wonder what happens after it all?
What's the closest you ever came to dying?
Do you ever consider that it could all be over, or things could change in a heartbeat just about any minute of the day?


What's the best place you've ever been?
If you were to live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
What's the longest vacation you've ever been on?


Who was the first boy you ever had a crush on?
Have you ever been in love, like the big one with the capital L? How did you know it?
Have you ever just met someone and yet somehow, felt almost as if you'd known them your whole life? Like it's just that easy to relate to them?
What's the first signal, the first recognition you get inside yourself when you know you're really, really attracted to someone?
What's your idea of a dream date? Describe your dream getaway.
Have you ever prepared a candlelight dinner?
Have you ever had/made breakfast in bed?
Have you ever picked a guy up before? Do you think you could?
What's something nice your exs say about you? Something not nice?

Her kind of guys

What kind of guys do you usually go for?
Who is your favourite celebrity? Which celebrity have you had a secret crush on?
In the movie of your life, who would play your love interest? Who would play you?
If your perfect guy was an ice cream what would it be called?
Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with for 15 minutes? If it was your birthday, who would you most like to see jump out of the cake? Whose shower curtain would you most like to be? (and don't say 'me' - we just met).
What does your family think about your taste?
Have you ever bought a guy flowers before? What have you bought?


What was your first kiss like?
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate yourself as a kisser?
Would you like to kiss me?


What's the sexiest food for a date?
What's your favourite body part? On you, not me, I already know that one....
Do you give good massages? Anyone can say they do. Show me some.
What's the sexiest piece of clothing you own?
Have you ever been to a strip joint? Did you get a lap dance?
What do you find the sexiest job for a guy to have?
Thong, g string or granny panties?
What do you think about male body hair? Shave, wax or trim? What about female?
What's the most exciting place you've ever hooked up with a guy?
Dominant or submissive?
In your experience, is sex a good time for conversation? Vocal or quiet? Dirty talk, small talk or none at all?
Have you ever had a one night stand?

Sunday 30 August 2009

Ring Finger Routine

The second you notice a girl is wearing rings say, "I have to ask before I run, why did you chose to

wear that ring on that particular finger?"

[She responds].

You continue, "Interesting, I have a friend who's a spiritual type, and she just told me that the

fingers you choose to wear your rings on says something about your personality. Each one of these

mounds, the pads on the palm where the fingers join the hand, is represented by a different god.

In ancient Greek culture, you'd wear a ring on that finger to praise and pay homage to that

particular god."

From here, go on to explain each finger one at a time. Start by giving a quick rundown explaining

each of the fingers she isn't wearing a ring on. Then, when you get to the fingers that do have

rings, spend a bit more time by giving her a more detailed cold read.

Here are sample scripts for each of the fingers, feel free to improvise and modify when needed:


"The thumb represents Poseidon. He was extremely independent. He wasn't up on Mount Olympus.

He preferred to be in the sea doing his own thing.

Notice that the thumb kind of sticks out, in a way, it kind of does its own thing as well. People who

wear thumb rings are therefore very individual and independent. They don't follow trends, but

instead prefer to set their own."


"The index finger is represented by Zeus. Zeus was the king of all gods and the god of thunder.

That's a very dominant finger. It represents power and immense energy. Having a ring there

means you tend to be a more dominant person."

End by waving of your index finger at her as if to say "no no no" or "don't do that."


"Your middle finger is represented by Dionysus who is the god of wine and partying. He is an

incredibly irreverent god.

Having a ring there means you tend to do whatever you want and care less about what others


If they're wearing a ring on this finger toss up your middle finger and joke, "It's like saying screw

you to the world." This almost always gets a laugh.


"Your ring finger is of course represented by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Perhaps that's why we

wear our wedding rings on this particular finger.

When you fall for someone, you tend to fall for them completely." This is a great spot to deviate

from your script and work in some romantic cold-reading.

Conclude with "Interestingly, it is the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart

without branching off, so when someone puts a ring on that finger, they're actually making a direct

connection with your heart." If she's comfortable, trace a line from her finger up her arm as you

say this.


"The pinky is represented by Ares, the god of war. You'll often see mobsters with pinky rings on.

On one hand, your pinky ring is a sign that you have a darker side. However, it also indicates that you're a great protector of things. If somebody messes with someone you love, you won't flee from

the conflict, and you’ll quickly step up to defend them. I bet you can be trusted to keep and protect

secrets as well. Maybe that's where the pinky swear comes from."

At the end, you should smile and momentarily lock your pinky with hers.


If she isn't wearing rings and you still want to use this routine, then you can begin by saying "Look

at your hands and imagine that you're wearing some rings. Now, tell me which fingers you're

imagining them on."

If during or after the routine the woman asks, "How do you know this?" You may respond, "An ex-

girlfriend of mine was into mythology and taught it to me."

If she wears a ring on her wedding finger then inquire "Is that an engagement ring or do you just

wear that to keep the womanizers away?" You'll be surprised how often the latter is true.


THUMB = Poseidon representing individuality

INDEX = Zeus representing dominance and power

MIDDLE = Dionysus representing irreverence

RING = Aphrodite representing love and romance

PINKY = Ares representing conflict and protection

DiCarlo's Escalation Ladder

1. Eye Contact and Initial Conversation

Eye contact is the first step. It’s use shows social awareness and always improves your chances of starting a conversation. Start your conversational game shortly after eye contact.

2. Incidental Class 1

The first class of incidental kino involves the arms and hands. Shaking hands, tapping people on the shoulder and brushing arms are all very common things that we do on a daily basis. Done in an incidental manner, ie. occurring merely by chance or without intention or calculation, it is extremely effective at building initial comfort.

Incidental Class 1 Examples:

* Hand shaking
* Arm brushing
* Light touching on her arm to emphasize your points
* Anchoring her arm near elbow to hold her close as you talk
* Standing next to her with your arm touching hers
* High Fives
* Palm Reading

3. Overt Class 1

There is an unmistakable recurring pattern throughout the DEL: incidental kino, followed by overt kino. Overt means open to view or knowledge; not concealed or secret. While incidental kino is usually done in a context which masks your intention, overt kino is not. The incidental kino which precedes it creates the familiarity necessary for the overt kino to be accepted.

Overt Class 1 Examples:

* Holding hands
* Arm in arm escorting

4. Incidental Class 2

Class 2 kino involves any contact which takes place on her torso or legs. This is slightly more intimate than class 1, but does not include erogenous zones such as her breasts, crotch or inner thighs. Those areas are not paid any direct attention until the escalation ramp - to be defined later.

Incidental Class 2 Examples:

* Standing very close with your legs touching hers
* Sitting close together with your legs touching hers
* Lightly and incidentally brushing her abdomen with your hands while talking
* Briefly touching her back with your palm while speaking as if you are pulling her in to hear you better

5. Overt Class 2

Overt class 2 kino is usually done while sitting down. It’s not necessary, but definitely a smart place to make the transition to sitting down. This class of kino should be done in a protective, almost romantic manner.

Overt Class 2 Examples:

* Frontal Hugging (done best as a positive reaction to her compliance)
* Escorting her through the bar with your hand on her lower back
* Sitting next to her and placing her leg over yours
* Holding her abdomen on the side while sitting down and talking
* Placing her hand on your thigh

6. Incidental Class 3

Her hair, face and neck are the regions included in class 3. Many guys make the common mistake of touching these areas too soon, with a girl they first met. Girls are surprisingly protective of their hair, face and neck placing these relatively high on the ladder. Another common mistake is that more experienced guys will generally skip this step altogether, only to face last minute resistance later on.

Incidental Class 3 Examples:

* Brushing (or pretending to brush) something off of her face
* Talking very closely with your face touching hers because the environment is extremely loud
* Touching an interesting neckace she’s wearing, meanwhile allowing your fingers to lightly caress her neck
* Playfully pinching her cheeks

7. Overt Class 3

The manner in which kino is delivered in overt class 3, is very direct. It is meant to prepare her for kissing, and is done in a very slow, gentle and romantic way. Most of the time you should be sitting down, relaxed and maintaining a good sexual state and strong eye contact.

Overt Class 3 Examples:

* Placing her head to rest on your shoulder
* Moving your face into her neck and smelling her
* Lightly stroking her face with your finger, close in, looking into her eyes
* Running your fingers through her hair, close in, looking into her eyes
* Holding her behind the neck with your palm to the side of her neck, looking into her eyes

Escalation Ramp

While the above steps from 1-7 may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 10 hours, the escalation ramp is very rapid. The duration of the ramp should be about 10 - 30 minutes. Start the ramp very quickly once you have complete isolation in a sex location.

8. Kissing

Start kissing from a very close proximity. Don’t come diving in lips first from three feet away. Ideally you should already be in a suitable position for kissing before you try. If you have overt class 3 kino taken care of, you’re probably in the right spot.

A technique for building sexual tension - move closely in, slowly as if you might kiss her, and then move away and start talking about something else. This will build the tension and she will wonder when you’re going to actually kiss her.

A technique to initiate kissing - try placing your finger just underneath her chin and pulling her mouth towards yours.

Kissing should be light and short at first. You should be the one to pull away first. Don’t use too much tounge at first, just use it to tease her, and build anticipation.

9. Kissing Her Neck

Once you have kissed her for a bit, move down to her neck. Kiss it gently, while holding her close to you. Depending on how rough you want to set the mood, feel free to throw in some gentle biting too.

10. Touching the Bare Skin of Her Back

Once you have established kissing both on her mouth and neck, move your hands to her waist and underneath her shirt. Continue to hold her close to you, now with your hands directly on her back.

11. Stomach to Stomach

Now that you have established touching her skin, below her shirt, simply move your hand to the front, and lift her shirt, exposing only her stomach. At the same time lift your shirt as well so that your abdomen is in direct contact with hers.

It seems innocent, but will meanwhile trigger intense sexual feelings inside of her. The only time she feels contact like that is usually when she’s naked and having sex.

12. Kissing her Body

Having her shirt pulled up affords the opportunity of moving downwards to kiss and caress the bare flesh of her abdomen. Start kissing her there, along the sides, and move upwards.

Touching and kissing the breasts is optional. It is not necessary, and in some cases can be detrimental to your progress. There are some women who have a negative anchor to their breasts. Inch toward their breasts and feel her reaction. If she becomes increasingly turned on, then go for it. If she starts to close down, skip the breasts until you are already having sex.

13. Incidentally Stimulate Vagina

While you are kissing her body, you can position yourself between her legs and use your midsection to rub against her vagina. If you are kissing her mouth you can position your thigh to stimulate her vagina.

You can also be kissing her body and reach between her legs and plant your hand on the bed below her. Then use your forearm to stimulate her vagina. The key here is that because you aren’t using your hand or fingers, she has no basis for objection.

14. Direct Vaginal Stimulation from Behind (Inside Panties)

Once you have really amped her up by incidentally rubbing her vagina, move your hand around to the back and slip it inside her panties and touch her naked ass.

Next, move your hand all the way down and reach her vagina. Start first by touching the area around it. Then proceed to finger her from behind. Women never expect to have it happen this way. Trying to reach your hand down the front of her pants will often be resisted, but from the rear is unexpected and effective.

If she is wearing a skirt or dress, you will instead move your hand up the back of her leg, and reach her vagina that way. Finger her and then proceed directly to step 16.

15. Direct Vaginal Stimulation in Front

Get her heated up by fingering her, and then when once she is sufficiently turned on, undo the front of her pants with your other hand.

You can use the Situationally Relevant phrase “My hand is being crushed” as you do it, although it’s usually not necessary. Since she is engaged by the fact that you are fingering her, she will rarely object to your simultaneous undoing of her pants. You may also have her undo her pants, by saying “Unbutton your pants.” as you are fingering her.

Moving to the front, you’ll be able to get more penetration with your fingers, and get her to the point where she is practically begging for sex. Use a firm “come-hither” motion pulling forward on the front vaginal wall and stimulating her g-spot.

16. Remove Her Pants, Sex

The idea is to get her so heated up by fingering her, that she makes a commitment to sex, verbally or physically.

There are a few ways to go about this. Firstly, it is very important that you don’t stop fingering her before her pants are off. Too many times a guy will stop fingering her, and then try to take off her pants, only to get more resistance.

While fingering her you can say “Do you want me inside you?” Which will usually get a “Yes.” response. At that point you say “Ok, take off your pants.” and continue to finger her until her panties are off, and she’s ready to go.

Another option is to skip the question and directly tell her to take off her pants. Usually with your fingers busy at work, she will be more than compliant.

Another technique is to ask her “Do you want me to get a condom?” In 90% of all girls you ask this, they will say “Yes.” Not because they are saying they want sex, but because they want to appear safe and level headed. You will interpret this as the permission to get a condom and have sex with her, and it will most likely be met without opposition.


Additional Points

1. Higher Levels Unlock Access to Lower Levels

The rungs of the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder may be treated exactly the same as compliance levels. The point is, any time you reach a higher level through situational relevance, it unlocks the lower levels automatically.

A good example of this is in a loud club or bar, you can reach in and talk directly into her ear, getting incidental class 3 kino, touching the side of your face to hers. You are speaking to her in a way that is dictated by the situation, so it is accepted. If you accomplish this without her resistance, all lower levels will become unlocked.

2. Execution of the Escalation Ramp

The escalation ramp, which consists of steps 8-16 is most effectively executed in isolation in a sex location. It is not efficient to start the ramp with the intention of finishing it at a later time. Starting the ramp without finishing it will lead to an increase in flaking and decrease a woman’s attraction toward you.

This is because these sexual behaviors were formed thousands of years ago when we were still living in caves. The natural instintual urges, combined with a lack of knowledge of modern-day sexual consequences meant that escalation with a woman would 100% of the time lead to sex.

By executing the ladder correctly, you are matching her genetic sexual programming and giving it to her the exact way that she wants it.

It is acceptable to do the first part of the ramp - kissing - outside of a suitable sex location, but only if you plan on completing the ramp later in that same meeting. It’s not to say that kissing a girl on a non-sex meet will destroy your chances, but it certainly won’t improve them. Kiss-closes may look impressive and feed your ego, but aren’t technically optimum.

3. Incidental Vs. Overt Kino

There is always a question as to how to execute these different pieces of kino. In general, you should spend most of your time in the incidental phase, getting her comfortable with contact in those regions.

This pattern of incidental followed by overt is almost like a Jedi mind trick. Use the incidental kino in a very non-invasive, very much under the radar manner, and her subconscious will automatically accept the subsequent overt kino.

Since she accepts the overt kino, it is through a process of backwards rationalization that her attraction for you increases. The key is to make the overt kino extremely short. Each overt phase in the initial ladder should have a duration of 5-10 seconds. You’re not going to be holding her hand in the club for 5 minutes at a time while in class 1. Keep it short and sweet.

4. Group Ladder Theory

There is quite a bit of evidence supporting the idea of a “group ladder” concept. Within a tightly knit group of girls who share a “collective emotional state” with each other, it is possible that whatever step on the ladder you achieve with one girl can transfer over very easily to the other girls in the group.

In a sense, each group of girls has a ladder, which represents your escalation with that group. If you can comfortably touch and hold a girl at a certain point in the ladder, it creates an implicit trust of “this guy is cool” for the other girls in the group at that same level. Keep in mind, however, this does not include the escalation ramp, although it has been observed to happen with kissing quite readily.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Limousine Eyelash Routine

When asked the most boring question known to man. 'What do you do?' A nice guy is going to give a direct answer. A PUA is going to give a C&F answer but here's something else, brand spanking new from Gambler.

Your response is:

Well, I'm actually a (real occupation), but I don't really like answering that question since being a (real occupation) isn't who I actually am and it's not the thing I love doing the most. I'm currently going to salsa dancing lessons and learning how to cook and something else that I've just started and I am really passionate about is poetry. In fact I've just written my first poem. (pause). I worked on it for ages and I just finished it last night. (Pause, at this point, your target is likely to ask to want to hear it). I haven't told it to anyone and I don't know if you'd appreciate it or would you just laugh. I want you to listen to it and be serious.

Then tell the poem with appropriate emotion, gesturing, facial expressions, tone etc.

Daydream delusion
Limousine eyelash
Oh baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wine glass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
I am a deluded angel
I am a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Launched in life
Like branches in the river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I'll carry you, you'll carry me
That's how it could be
Do you know me?
Do you know me by now?

Thursday 27 August 2009

Top 10 Handholding Techniques

1. The Passive Hand Hold
This is hand holding in its simplest form: your target’s hand gently but firmly cupped in yours. It’s most appropriate for public environments where you want to remain tasteful and avoid looking “clingy,” but is still a great, effective way to add physical contact.

2. The Intertwined Fingers Hand
Hold A step up from the Passive Hand Hold, Intertwined Fingers provides a firmer grip and an increased sense of intimacy. This type of hand holding is perfect while taking a walk together, but it can have a downside of sweaty palms, so make sure to keep your hands dry.

3. The One-Finger Hand Hold
Holding just one of your target’s fingers is a more romantically playful method for times when you’re feeling flirtatious. This is the easiest hand hold for your target to pull away from, but is great to test for higher level of compliance.

4. The Massaging Hand Hold
Turning a simple hand-holding session into a relaxing massage is a wonderful intimate surprise to give your target. There’s an art to a massage, and an unlimited number of ways you can caress your target’s hands and give attention to each finger. This hand-holding method is best used while sitting down and isolated!

5. The Two-Hand Hold
Here’s another technique that is tough to do while standing, but one of the best ways to add some serious physicality and intimacy to hand holding. Taking your target’s hand in both of yours will give her a deep sense of comfort, importance and relaxation.

6. The Palm Caress Hand
Hold This method is an intimate, secret way to tastefully caress your target’s hand without being noticed by others around you. This way you can escalate the handhold in set. Starting with the Passive or Intertwined Fingers technique, use one of your fingers to gently rub your sweetheart’s palm in an up-and-down or swirling fashion. This also indicates sexual contact and great way to test if your target is ready to go!

7. The Kissing Hand Hold
The Kissing Hand Hold is perfect for intimate situations when you’re isolated with your special someone, and is often combined with the Two-Hand Hold. Clean hands are perfect for kissing, and you should never be afraid to shower your target’s fingertips, palms and wrists with gentle romantic pecks! Ideal to do before a full kiss close.

8. The Gentle Pinching Hand Hold
This one isn’t right for every set, and can be a little too playful and rough for some target’s. But gently pinching your lover’s fingertips and palms, if done correctly, can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your target, as long as you make sure you don’t do it too hard and you calibrate.

9. The Warm-Up Hand Hold
When it’s cold outside, there’s no better way to warm up your fingers than by having them caressed and rubbed lovingly. Don’t make your target use a heater when you have two perfectly good, warm hands to help them out! Combine this technique with the Massaging Hand Hold for a bigger effect.

10. The The Morse-Code Hand Hold
This is the most unorthodox and interactive hand-holding technique, but can be a heck of a lot of fun if you teach your target a few codes prior to doing. You must agree ahead of time of a phrase that you want to share with each other silently-such as “That girl/guy is stupid”-and assign it a number of squeezes that correspond with the syllables in the phrase. Your target will remember that when you squeeze three times it means “That-girl/guy-is-stupid” . . . and can respond with a one-squeeze “yeap”! This will allow you to create conspiracy through kino.

Source: Adonis @ Charming Rouge

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Setting Tasks - Buying Drinks

A woman's power is going to increase as she asks you to do her tasks. If a girl asks you to buy her a drink and you don't buy her one, you're going to come across as cheap.

It's perfectly OK to buy her a drink if you get her to do a task for it. So ask her what she wants, then slip her the money in her hand. Making sure it's enough for hers and your drink. Make an excuse that you need to go to the bathroom or make a phone call and you'll be back in a few minutes. Pick a fairly complicated drink for her to order, like a cocktail, be fussy about something like the amount of ice cubes or a coke with lime not lemon.

Then when you come back to your drink, look at your drink and tell her you're impressed as most girls get it completely wrong, but she's the first girl to get it right. Cheers.

Evolution Phase Shift Routine

Tell her that she smells good. Ask her what she's wearing. Lean in, and brush her hair aside, sniff slowly from her shoulder to her ear. Say 'Mmm, that smells good. People don't pay enough attention to smell. But you'll notice how animals, before they mate, will always smell each other. Evolution has wired us to respond to certain things. You are wired to respond when someone smells you'.

It's like when someone pulls the back of your hair. You'll notice how lions, when they mate, always bite and tug at the end of each other's mane, right here. This is one of my favourite things. (Run hand up back of her neck, grab a fistful of hair at the roots and pull down'. She'll likely respond with 'Mmmm'. You 'See'.

No one knows this, but the most sensitive places on the body are places that are usually hidden from contact with the air, like the back of the elbow (touch it) and the knee (touch it). Any place where your body bends, twists or folds, there are millions of sensitive little nerve endings that release endorphins. Take her arm, bend it a little. Erotically bite the are opposite her elbow, ask her how good it fees. Take a big chunk of skin, slowly, firmly slide teeth together until meet and release the skin.

But do you know what the best thing in the world is. A bite right here. Point to the side of the neck. this has to do with the fact that it is where the juglar vein is most exposed and since most sexual fantasies have to do with submission and vulnerability, it sends all the fantasy signals flying. Tell her to bite you there. If she doesn't turn calmy away to punish her. Wait a few seconds and turn back and tell her to bite you on the neck.

If it was a lame bite. Say "That's now how you bite. Come her. Give her a good bite. Instruct her to try again, look her in the eye, smile approvingly, say very slowly, not bad. Glance down at mouth, back to eyes and kiss.

The phases are;
Grab hair
touch elbow
touch back of knee
bite elbow
bite your neck
bite her neck
triangular gazing

Style's 7 Step Formula (Online to Seduction)

1. Post Ad.
After posting your ad on a dating site, the formula is as follows;

2. First Communication
Bust her balls on something in her profile. Give her a hoop to jump through to meet your standards. Give her nickname. Write 'I'll tell you what (nickname). Email me at (email add.) and tell me three qualities you possess that would make me want to get to know you better. I will, of course, send you a non-illustrated pic or two if I like what you have to say.

If she won't jump through your hoop with '3 reasons'. Write
back 'I'll give you one good reason. You're a lot like me :) I don't like jumping through people's hoops either. I'm pretty high maintenance and it looks like you're the same way too. Let's start this over. I'm (name).

3. Exchange Pics
Bust her balls a little. Tell her you're impressed. Start a points system.
Write 'You've earned three points for your sense of humour and three for your adventurousness. At 15, you win my phone number.

4. Take offline
Write 'I can be slow when it comes to online correspondence because I get pretty busy so what do you say we continue this on the phone? My number is below. Or if you're shy and would feel more comfortable if I called, just email me your info.

5. Phone Call
Make one phone call. Don't say hello/introduce yourself instead refer to a private joke like Hi, (nickname). Have some prepared stories. Tease her a little into talking about herself as it will make her feel rapport. Make plans, say 'I'm busy Wednesday and Friday, but Thursday is good. Let's just meet for a quick drink. that way, if you're a complete nutbag, I can escape with my dignity. Plan to meet at an intimate bar where you can sit down.

6. The First Meeting
a) When you meet her, bring some of your friends, pretend that you just bumped into them as it's socially proofing yourself.
b) Greet her and sit down with your friends. At first, be very distant with body language. All negative.
c) Then go into routines like the cube. Say 'Hey, here's a cool way to get to know each other' My friend just taught me this, let's try it. Keep distant body language. Display humour and personality for now. As she warms up with her body language, start to give her some positive body language.
d) You're beginning to win her over, but don't kiss her yet.
e) Make a venue change. Pretend that you've made plans for afterwards, since you're getting along, she may as well tag along. Meet friends and include her.
f) Isolate her again in the new venue and use the evolution phase shift routine to make out with her.

7. Closing the deal
On the second meet you can f-close her as you'll have no LMR if you've had solid game. Take her home, make out. Say 'I'm trying so hard to be good right now'. See her again 2/3 nights later. Get her to come over before going out. Drink wine and fool around. If there's no LMR, close there. If she's hesitating, go out.

Day 2 Phone/Email Game

If you're texting her to set it up. Try a choice between two positives:

Would you like to meet me on Wednesday at 8 or Thursday at 6?

or use the decoy effect:

Would you like to meet me on Wednesday at 8, Thursday at 6 or Sunday for Church.

On the phone, always end the conversation first. Say you have to go, but don't explain. If need to, say there's a knock at the door, friend just came over, another call. If she initiates hanging up first, use 'I understand, but first... Then thank her and say I have some friends over and I have to go, but I'll call you sometime.

Tell her that you're about to go do something. Say: Well, let's see.... What's your schedule for the next few days? Why don't we get together (when) about (what time). Do you know where the (place) is? Great, if we get along, ten maybe we can go for a bite to eat.... but you know, coffee is a safe bet, this way if you're scary in person. I can say 'oh hey, umm, I just remembered that I have to floss my cat. It's really important and we can call it a night.

When arranging the date, imply consent, give her options like dinner, drinks, movie or bowl, go-kart, skate.

Try to make a day 2 at a mundane place. Somewhere you were going anyhow. Don't make her the event. It's probably best to avoid the common boring dates like coffee and dinner. Furthermore, don't take her to public gatherings unless you have closeness. So unless you're in comfort and built rapport, avoid places like bars, clubs, concerts.

Also confuse her by conditional. Say "We're watching (something) at my house, but make sure you don't laugh when you come in.

To lessen the risk of the chances of flaking, come out with: I bet you're one of those types of girls who flake aren't you? I can tell you say you'll do things and then bail out. Or, Now let me ask this... what are the chances that you're not going to show up tomorrow? Because one of my pet peeves is people that are late and flaky. I can deal with a lot of things, but I'm always on time where I say I'm going to be and I never have an excuse or don't show up. So I just wanted to make sure, because if there's one thing that could end our friendship before it starts, it's flakiness. Once she agrees to not flake, say "Great, it's going to be nice to get to know you better and if nothing else, we can just be friends.

Tell her when you're gonna call to chat. Ask her what's the best time to call. Tell her you'll call her that night when she's getting ready for bed to wish her good night. Use a visualization technique, telling her how you're lying next to her, talking, tucking her in.

Don't call more than 2 times a day every other day. Hang up if it's her answer machine and call her straight back. If you want to leave a message though, say Hey (name), this is (your name), I'm going out with my friends to (place) tonight, let me know if you want to tag along.
Or say 'Hey (name), this is (your name), I just had the most amazing idea, you have to hear this.
When she calls back, say 'I figure out how I could get you to call me back. It totally worked too. hey you won't believe what happened to me yesterday (story).

End conversation by saying 'I'll call you if my plans change, but otherwise I'll see you at (place).

If you're emailing her after n-closing her. Say 'Hey, it was nice meeting you (when)... what are you up to this week? Would you like to join me for a cup of something wonderful and some stimulating conversations. Talk to me.
If she doesn't respond, after a few days, respond with: What? Playing hard to get? Nice. Talk to me.
If you've got an email-close with no number, say 'What's you number and when's a good time to reach you?'

Monday 24 August 2009

Shit Tests

A shit test is when a chick does/says something to judge a male's reaction/response. The test can be done consciously or unconsciously.

There are four ways to handle shit tests:
a) ignore it completely
b) redirect the conversation
c) answer it and put up own shit test
d) neg her for her shit test

You love me don't you?
No, but you know what I do love, those little ice popsicles things, where at the end of it you can suck out all the popsicle juice from the wrapper thing.

You so want me don't you?
You'd better buy me a few drinks and a dinner before you talk to me like that again.

Why don't you get me a drink?
Why don't you do my laundry. You shouldn't be so sexist.

Do you have a girlfriend?
I don't have A girlfriend, I'm too much for one girl to handle.

You're just a player.
No, I'm an entertainer. I might entertain you for a little bit if you behave.

How many girls have you had sex with?
Enough to know what I'm doing.

So, how much do you make?
Not enough to keep you high maintenance girls happy.
I make enough to know not to ask people how much they make.

I'm on a period, so do you still want to hang out?
Well you farted earlier and that didn't bother me.

You're so mean.
I'm sorry, you didn't strike me as the insecure type.
Aww, don't cry! Here just cause I like you, you can have one free hug, but after that it's back to $20 a hit.

Why are you smiling so much?
Why so interested? My eyes are up here.

What makes you think you're so special?
(hold eye contact and wait till she blinks). I'm the undefeated starring contest champion of the world.

If she's making sexual remarks.
Do you usually come off this strong?

Why don't you have a girlfriend?
A girl? I'm too much for one to handle. I need a whole staff to tend to my needs. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and not to mention all the love notes she would have to write me..... I'm high maintenance.

Why are you talking to me then?
I was talking to other girls in here and all of them just wanted to get me in the sack, like I'm some kind of sex object. Then I saw you and thought to myself, finally a normal person.

You seem like you do this a lot?
Do you mean talking to people? Wow, a cool girl who's anti-social, that has to be a first.

I barely know you.
Consider yourself lucky. Some don't know me at all. You know not that I mention it, I really should take care of that (walk away and talk to as many girls as possible).

You're just trying to get into my pants.
Actually, I'm trying to get inside your head, but that's funny you think you have a chance.

My friend likes you (UG).
Your friend must get more attention than you then.

If you're not gonna buy me a drink then why are you over here?
I'm looking for women to do my laundry.

So why are you still by yourself?
I'm currently recruiting, so anyway how do you feel about dusting?
All are at home doing their chores, except good old Lisa who's parked in the car park for when I need a lift home. You any good at gardening?

Do you even remember my name?
(Yes) Was I suppose to (name)?
(No) Of course I do, but the real question is what does your ID picture look like?
(No) I'm Gavin and I am a recovering social butterfly (shake hands)

Does my bum look big in this dress?
I dunno, I'm no expert in bum questions, but this guy (point) seems to like it.

Is that what you say to all the girls?
Yes, but with you I really mean it.

I have a boyfriend.
So? What if I told you almost every girl I know uses that one.


(in comfort) Wow we used to be SO close (cross fingers). It's like we were hugging. But now we've fallen apart (uncross your fingers, hold up a peace sign). Now, I guess you just wanna hold hands.

(acting up) Wow, how does your boyfriend put up with you? Err, I don't have a bf. Well that's probably for the best. So what am I going to get paid for babysitting tonight?

(Intro) So, what's your name? (response) Wow! That's a very unique. What is that, like Turkish or something?

(calls you out on something) Well, I thought I was being cute and funny. But I guess I was just being cute.

(she's hitting on you) Buy me a drink before you hit on me like that.

(when calls) Hey, how are you? I'm good, how are you? Good. Wait, you're good? (pause) I bet I could make you so bad.

(she's nervous) Hey, can you do me a favour? Um, sure. Can you smile? (complies) It looks good on you.

(at hook point) Have you ever met someone that you just felt so comfortable around? You know, you really hit it off with them? I totally know what you mean. Yeah, I've never met a person like that (smile)

(tries to bring you down) Why are you so happy? I don't know, but it's a lot of fun. You should try it out sometime.

(she says she has a boyfriend playfully) I can totally relate. I actually have two kids. Wow, we just started talking, never met before and now I'm your boyfriend already? What do you mean? I haven't asked you out yet.
(she says she has a boyfriend defensively) Wow, I'm sorry, you must have thought I was hitting on you. I was actually just being nice.
(she says she has a boyfriend bitchy) Great. Can you do me a favour? Tell him to go fuck himself.

(k-close routine) Hey, I've got something for ya. Remind me to give it to you later. (later) Hey, so where's my present? Okay, close your eyes and open your hand. (Hold by hand and kiss her) But that was only for you. So don't go around telling everyone I'm giving away free shit.

(before kiss) What is the first thing you would say after you kissed me? Um, I don't know. Well, let's find out. I bet you I could kiss you before you could kiss me. No you can't.

(disqualifier after hook point) Admit it, you like me. Yeah I like you...... but I'm not IN like with you.

(conversation run dry) Hey do you wear glasses? No. Oh that sucks. I guess you can't see how good looking I am.

(text gf having a bad day) You're silly. You're kind of weird and you're a bit too cute at times...but I like you anyway.

(setting time constraint) Hey, I got to let you go at 8.12. Why 8.12? Well, I got so much shit to do at 8.13.

(what do you do?) I'm a traffic light repairman. It's pretty cool actually, I drive around with a portable machine and I can change the colours on each light. So next time you're late for work, give me a call and I'll hook you up.
I pack parachutes for skydivers. You should come check it out. By the way, how much do you trust me?
I'm in a rock band. As a matter of fact, we're looking for a drummer and you look like you just might fit the part. I'll go ahead and put you on the list for auditions next week.

(build rapport) Did you know that the best compliment you can give to a woman is to simply repeat her name. Really? Yeah, for instance, what's your sisters name? (name) So, the next time you get off the phone with (name) tell her, I love you (name) or great talking to you (name). Then notice the difference. Repeat her name as you say goodbye.

(after k-close and hook point) I'm having a lot of fun. I think we should get lunch tomorrow. Yeah absolutely. Well what time do you think we'll wake up. Denies. I meant what time am I picking you up? Haha, you thought I was that easy?

(after k-closed on day 3) Walk up, kiss, peck on lips. I thought I'd make the situation awkward now, rather than trying to make it awkward later.

(day 3) I think I'm gonna wanna party again on Friday! Lucky you.

(DHV) Do you mind entertaining me over a drink? How about you take me out for dinner sometime?

(after escalation and isolation) Ask: Would you say you are an adventurous person? Yes. That's awesome! Me too! But would you say you're a spontaneous person? Yes. I'm pretty spontaneous myself! Now would you say you're a good kisser? Yes. Let's see...

(after text SOI) You should try out to be my new partner-in-crime. Long line, but it might be worth it.

(rock paper scissors) I bet you my next drink I can beat you in rock, paper, scissors.

(paper) I knew you were going to throw paper. It's in your personality. You just got your nails done and you want me to appreciate your manicure. Sorry, I don't do well with high maintenance girls.

(rock) Most girls throw rock because they have to feel emotionally superior and powerful. But I didn't think you were on of those kids.

(SOI, unprompted text) Hey you, I was just thinking about you. You know, you're one of the very few girls that can make me smile at 10.33am everyone else makes me smile at 10.34.

(after n-close) dial her number, tell her not to pick it up, leave an important message. Describe how much fun she's having, describe the situation. Put her on the phone, tell her to say something to herself about how much fun she is having. "Say something. But don't mess this up because this message is really important and I hardly ever leave messages for people". Next day, follow up the text. "Hey, I hope you saved that message for me. I want to hear it.

(kino escalation at interaction) Hey, I'm (name), extend hand, (secret handshake), (thumb war), (continue shaking hand as hold conversation).

(Asks you to buy her a drink) Well, I would buy you a drink, but then when you fall in love with me. I wouldn't be sure whether it was actually be me, or because I spoiled you.

(If says too old for you) You're right. In ten years from now, I'd be forced to leave you for a younger sexier version of a girl that looks exactly like you.

(fishing for compliments) I would love to give you a compliment but I don't want you to turn into a stalker because I am so sweet and charming.

(accused of using a pick up line) You thought I was hitting on you? That's cute, but I don't think you could handle me.

(arranging a meet) I'm interested in you... don't worry you'll probably say something to turn me away, as long as you don't speak, we're GOLD.
I'd like to meet you and get to know you better, don't get a big head on me or anything, all I'm promising is interesting conversation.

Examples of Cocky Funny

If you keep acting like a brat I'm going to spank you like a red-headed step child

I just met you and you're already starting with the compliments. Look, I'm not going home with you. I'm not that easy.

(End of the date)... Now don't call me three times a day. I had fun too, but no stalking.

(after kiss, she tells you to call)..... I'm busy tomorrow, but if you tempt me with a good enough offer I might make time for you the next night.

(she makes an emotional response).... How do you REALLY feel about it?

(after a wisecrack).... Anyway (look away)

(misinterpret what a woman says).... Let's go over to the bar to have a drink...Let's do it....Let's do it? You mean right here? I think the line for a bathroom stall is too long and I'd rather have a drink.
Well, I'm getting tired and I think it's time for bed...... Bed? I mean I don't even know if you know how to kiss... and you're trying to get me into bed? What happened to the old days when you could be friends first?

(exaggeration).... (see a fat woman) What would you guess? 900 pounds?

(complains about her appearance).... I didn't want to say anything (make fun f it more, embarrassed to be with her, talk about how everyone is looking at her)

How old are you? I'm 17...No, really.

(compliments you) I like your jacket.... No, you don't.. You're attracted to me.

She asks where were you last night as you didn't answer her call or return her message, I was at home thinking about you... but since you didn't call me early enough. I went out and hired ten strippers. If she pursues the question. No seriously, I was at home thinking about you. Ok, ok. You got me. I really went out with ten other women. Are you happ? What, are you feeling insecure?

Do you love me?
Of course.......... as a friend.

Bes and Don'ts


be needy
be wussy
be predictable
be clingy
start fights so as to make up later
call her too often
tell her your feelings too early
give away making her the boss
always ask her what she wants
act submissive and weak
accept her demands, bossyness and manipulative requests
put own needs aside
seek her approval
be insecure
touch too much in the beginning
crowd her too much in the beginning
say negative things about women/past gfs
get easily upset about things
act cool/show off to get attention
argue with everything
be too interested in the beginning
act too happy
talk about boring topics like school, work and family


a challenge
a leader
cocky funny
aggressive in setting goals
an expert
savvy, use language to interpret gestures and expressions
capable of building strong rapport
a good lover
non needy

Saturday 22 August 2009



Are you decisive? Do you know what you want when it is right in front of you (point to self). Imagine what it would be like to get it, and then go for it without hesitation, or do you let opportunities slip away? (lean back).

Can you be crazy and spontaneous? (to get a quick k-close)

Are you a leader or a follower? (prevent her leaving with friends to go off and dance).

Do you believe in love at first sight? I don't..... but I believe one can feel an instant connection with someone and feel completely comfortable and relaxed, but still have excitement and anticipation that builds and increase with little touches and looks.

Body Language Mistakes & Fixes

Talking too fast (shows nerves).
Talking too much (trying to impress her).
Not knowing what to say next (not enough practice).
Drinking (to become comfortable).
Asking too many questions (Creating rapport too soon, doesn't want rapport unless attracted first).
Wrong body language (hands connected, feet too close, shoulders down, leaning in).
Buying her drinks (shows buying her over, getting her drunk).
Not comfortable talking to strangers (social anxiety).


Keep hands out of pockets.
Stand with feet wider apart.
Never look down when walk, look above horizon.
Stand with chest pushed outwards.
Keep shoulders relaxed and back.
Walk confidently and slowly with bigger steps.
Take up lots of space no matter where.
Pay attention to dress.
Always lean back.
Touch people when talk to them.
All body language should be comparable in speed.

Frame of Mind

Universal Frame

I am high status.
I'm the AMOG.
The sun revolves around me.
I look like someone who gets laid.
I know my purpose.
I have a strong reality.

Frame in set

All women want me.
She is hot. Okay, but what else has she got going for her?
I'm a super cool guy, can she see that or is she a dunce?
What she says doesn't matter.
I'm the fun sociable guy. I talk to everyone, if I have a nice interaction with a HB, closing is natural.

Frame in relationships

Don't ask too many questions.
Lead 'I'm hungry let's go eat'.
Don't do anything wussy.
No approval seeking.
Accept compliments rudely 'I know, please try and control yourself'.
Give compliments deadpan. Don't ask for a response.
Send mixed messages, love spending time with them, don't text, call, be or msn.
Don't explain yourself.
Let criticism bounce off.
End interactions first and at a high point.
Talk with passion about things other than them.


I am friendly.
I am fun loving.
I am approachable.
I am interesting.
I am clever.
I am a leader.
I am challenging.
I'm a success in all that I do.
I can attract any woman I want.
I know my purpose.
I am confident about who I am.
I am an attractive man.
I have a powerful reality.
I am cool, calm and collected.

My world and life are attractive and interesting. People like me, they want to meet me. I am very interested in other people. I want to meet fun, positive and interesting people.

Friday 21 August 2009

Online Game

Profile headings:

Run Away, Little Girl!
Don't Read This!
Too Toxic For You!
I Eat Girls Like You For Breakfast
Beauty is Common, Quality Isn't.
Good Girls Need Not Apply
Unless You're As Hot as Mary Poppins
Sorry, I only Date Supermodels
Sorry, I'm Just Really into my Career Right Now
Untameable and Enjoyable
Confessions of a Hong Kong Bachelor
Great photographer looking to photograph you
Imagine Now.

A great profile:

I'm a selfish prick. (Describe looks and physique). I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks. I do what I want when I want.
If I had to write a newspaper personal, it would read something like this. I'm a well hung sexually talented stud looking for a married woman who wants to make her husband jealous in order to procure expensive gifts from him.

I'm a selfish prick. Good-looking, successful, thin toned body. Young enough to do it, but old enough to do it right. I don't smoke. I'm lots of fun, but I don't have time for petty drama or emotional hysterics. Also, I'm intelligent and well educated and I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. I do what I want, when I want, but you probably figured that our already.

If I had to write a newspaper personal, it would read something like this: Handsome, cultured, intellectual with a big dick, marathon tongue seeks beautiful woman for committed long term relationship for purposes of making boyfriend/husband insanely jealous in order to secure diamonds, jaguars, new home in prestige area or beach front property. Multi-orgasmic training included at no charge.

A more nice guy approach could be as follows:

Frequent Traveller seeks 1st Class Companion

Is there more to you than meets the eye? Are you curious, adventurous and interesting?
I could tell you lots about me. For example, my eyes are blue, 5'8", athletic, have a good job and pay my bills on time blah, blah, blah.
But I'm sure you have read tons of self-descriptions by men on this site. Whatever happened to all those truth and advertising laws? Do they apply to online dating?
At any rate, I love to spend time traveling. I prefer to keep my circle of friends small. Don't get me wrong. I have lots of acquaintances and I enjoy spending time with them when I can. But true friends are special and rare, and love them deeply.
This is why I work diligently on my relationships to keep them healthy and growing.
It could be my British roots, I was born in the UK, but I believe there is no better way to spend an afternoon or evening than in the company of an exceptional woman sharing dreams, stories and ideas lingering over a cup of something delicious.
I'm seeking a woman who is striking on the outside and down-to-earth on the inside. If you're the typical HK girl who is more interested in her image than her ideas. Don't waste your time by messaging me.
However, if you're the exceptional women and you view us as being compatible. Then I'd love to meet you in person. The way that real people meet each other.

For first date:

What if I told you that you could dine at the city's most luxurious restaurant (I'm talking five-star rating) for just 20 quid? You'd call me nuts, right? Well, it's not only possible, but I'm willing to prove it by taking you to the city's finest anonymous italian bistro, right along the river. I have a reservation for this Saturday night and I'd like you to be my teammate to help me with my challenge. The idea is to budget ourselves 40 pounds for a five course meal -- and see if we can pull it off! And I'm not talking just a quick bite at a local diner either. I'm talking about a five-star restaurant, spectacular food, a couple of glasses of Chianti and intriguing conversation. Interested? If this idea sounds familiar, they have a similar show on the Food Network. But I'm sure we can one-up them. So what do you say? Will you be my cohort for the night?

If you have a header like Don't Read This, then go with this ad:

Do you always follow instructions this well? LOL. Don't read unless you can handle a man with a strong multi-faceted personality. I'm a little bit rockstar, faux psychologist, philosopher, comedian all rolled up in one. Throw in a good helping of mischeif, and blend well in a hot tub.

Ladies, thanks for all the emails. If I don't respond today, don't be offended. I'll reply wcen if I don't think we'd jive. It's called 'manners'.

I'm going to list what I don't want rather than what I want. If you're bright enough to figure it out, email me.

If you have no idea why you do what you do, and your therapist has to sort out why your life is such a mess, we won't jive.

I expect someone as attractive as I am. However, if your bra size exceeds your IQ, we won't jive. Sorry, I'm not impressed by looks alone. If that's all you've got, we probably won't hit it off. Street smarts and a kind heart go a long way.

I don't control nor manipulate, but rest assured I will influence (I'll lead you into some mischief and you'll like it). If you are a control freak, we won't get along. Go find an insecure spineless wuss to lick your boots, there are plenty to choose from. If you thrive by playing manipulative games, guess what? I recognize them immediately and they don't work on me.

If you're a high maintenance Barbie, we won't connect well. However, if you can go from tom boy to decked out hottie, I'll think you're quite sexy.

I grew up mostly around women, so I'll treat you with respect. If you can't do the same, we won't get along. I can be sensitive when necessary, but I'm not a punching bag. I'll roll up my sleeves and carry you when needed, but I won't repeatedly rescue you from self-created crises. I'll surprise you with chocolate when you're PMSing, but if you go off on me for no reason, I'll eat the chocolate myself.

Age doesn't matter to me, emotional maturity does. If drama follows you around, contact a talent agency.

If you're peddling your webcam site, don't bother. Why would I webcam with you when I can have the real thing? If you want bootie-pay, get a job at the Men's club.

Relationships are not fairy tales. I'm not Prince Charming and you're not a princess. It takes work from two. If you don't get it, we won't jive. I can bring fantasy to life (can you?), but we have to re-visit reality occasionally. I can sweep you off your feet, but you'll have to knock my socks off. If you don't get me barefooted, you probably can't.

At the end of the invitation say:
Hey if you think we're a match, message me now.

Job Titles

Full-contact Origami referee
Subway Sandwich Artist
Disposable Lighter Repairman
Traffic Light Repairman
Bomb Disposal Expert
Inflatable Dartboard Salesman
Parachute Packer for Skydivers
Rock Band Member

First Message Examples

I saw your profile and there is no way you are actually (age). I am going to have to see your driver's licence, I'm afraid, before I can take you out ;)

After a rigorously breif overview of your profile. I wanted to let you know I have already married and divorced you in my mind.
Thanks for all the wonderful imaginary memories. You will always have a special place in my heart.
Your ex-hubby,
PS You can keep the house in Hawaii, but I am going to need half our money according to our prenup.

I was browsing through the site and saw your picture. I just couldn't help but wonder what else you have going on for you besides your looks. Please, email me.

Hi, you look like someone who deserves an opportunity to get to know me a little better, so if you wanna chat and get to know each other. I look forward to hearing from you.

I was browsing the profiles and found yours of all people. At first your picture caught my eye, but I couldn't help but wonder if there's more to you than your looks?
Anways, I'm not into games and I'm sure you're the same way. E-mail me and let's see how far we go.

Awwww, you're so adorable....where can I get one just like you?

So you're cute.......

I'm hoping you're a little bit more interesting in person than your profile cos I was falling asleep here.

Beauty is common....If you take a look around this site you'll see there are beautiful people everywhere. What else do you have going for you besides your looks?

Wow, you're a real person. Great. I guess we have a couple of options here. We start an email relationship, fall madly in love, and maybe even get a priest to marry us in a live chat ceremony......
Then again, maybe we could get together for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation and make friends. And then after I can validate that you're actually the cute gal in this picture I saw of you, we can talk about the online marriage thing.
Give me a call tonight, My number is (insert number). I'm a pretty busy person, and I can't guarantee that I'll be available when you call, but give it a try. And please call me before 11 PM because that's when my mom makes me go to sleep.
By the way, where can I reach you if I want to call you ten times a day.
Talk soon.

Important things to consider also are to use something about her profile in your first email.

Message Headings

Take something from her profile and use it as the subject line.
This member might be interested in you.
I'm a match to you or better.
Are you up to the challenge?

2nd Email

Hey (shortened name),
You go by.......? I don't know man shortenings of that name and I'd like to avoid typing that last 'lie' as I'm a busy man. So until further notice, (name) it is.

Provide a DHV story. Start off with 'Holy shit, you wouldn't believe what happened to me today.....'

In response to a negative/bad response 'Easy killer, I was just trying to send you something different. It sure beats the normal perv messages you get right?

2nd email after 1st email failure

Hey, listen, I sent you an email the other day and I never heard back from you and I was kinda shocked. Anyway, I was talking to a couple of guy friends the other day and we were talking about women and stuff like that and it's funny cos we all agreed that most average woman usually play hard to get and as guys we all know that, we know that game. But the woman that we really want, the sexy woman is very assertive and goes after what she wants and doesn't play those games.

Playing hard to get..... already?
:) Nice. I love it.
Here's a free tip: You're supposed to play hard to get after we meet not before.

Message to send if she's checked out your profile, with no message sent:

Hey, I found this little link on my profile that lets me see who has been looking at my profile and I noticed that you had looked at my profile, but like..... you didn't send me a message. It's kind of spooking me out, what are you...... like one of those weird people that walks around the back of houses looking through the window or something? Anyways, I read your profile and I don't know you're a little bit weird, but.... maybe we could talk.

Hey, I just came back from a seminar where they told us about stalkers on the internet and anybody who checks out our profile but doesn't send a message could be a stalker.

Important checks

Make sure to log on to the dating site daily to ensure that your profile rises to the top.
Get a second opinion from an attractive female to critique your profile.
Tone it down, don't brag.
Social proof yourself in photos, have male and female friends in pics.
Clean it up, spell check the profile.
Answer all questions and put as many pics as possible.
Great photos of you are ones with animals or in exotic places.
Speak your mind in your profile.

Women to avoid online

If they are using a lower case 'i', or haven't capitalised their name they have low self-esteem. Perhaps they have been treated poorly by men before. Check their spelling, grammar and punctation. If it's poor, they are a drama queen and it's difficult to give them orgasms.

High self esteem girls have goals, they went after them. They're happy to talk about themselves. They speak easily without the concern for approval.