Monday 27 July 2009

Hoop Theory

Hoop Theory is about someone getting you to do something. But you shouldn't always jump into their hoops. It's OK to jump in if you get them to jump into yours first.

Thus if a girl asks you a direct question such as 'Where are you from?' and you answer, you've jumped into their hoop. However, if you say 'Guess' then she's going to jump into your hoop first. Of course there are some women who may not be willing to guess as they don't play that game. That's OK, it just means that they're not attracted to you and you're still in A2 not A3 with them.

Now, if you've ask her a direct question and she's asked you to guess, then you can put out your hoop by saying 'well would you like to me to guess x or guess y'.

So, the important thing to remember is if she's not jumping through your hoops means she's not attracted to you.

Kino Escalation

There are many different types of kino you can use with a woman. Below are some examples of the tests you can carry out.

  • Knee Compliance Test: Take her hand and put it on your knee. If she takes her hand away immediately. Give her some negative body language for a bit if she doesn't start the conversation again. If she initiates the conversation, take her hand again and put it on your knee.
  • Kiss Test: Whilst talking make a comment like 'Your hair looks so soft'. Touch the tips of her hair. If she likes it, reach again, stroke her hair, glance at her lips and eyes, if she's allowing you to continue touching her hair then you can go for the kiss.
You can check her comfort level with you by using kino escalation. There are many different ways of kinoing with a woman such as:
  • arm in arm
  • hand holding
  • sitting on lap
  • holding/embrace
  • smelling 'you smell so familiar'
  • kissing
  • hair pulling (back of her head)
  • biting (neck)
  • tongue sucking
  • frenching/making out

At no point should you be using foreplay, so no grabbing breasts or butt cheeks during the attraction/comfort stages. Even making out might be going too far.
After you've escalated the kino, remember to release after, back to a normal conversation thread.

When making a kino move, taking away will make her feel lost and she will chase you. It should feel comfortable to both parties. You're going to need to be touching hands or hugging before going in for a kiss. If she feels discomfort, release the discomfort and demonstrate disinterest.

An example of biting may be to to take her arm and bite on the really soft tender part of the arm at the elbow joint on the inside. You can suck on this part. And afterwards, release by saying 'right get off me'. Furthermore, you can say 'You know what? I' so attracted to you, but let's slow this down or Baby, we got slow this down'.

Sunday 26 July 2009

A3-Female to Male Interest

Once you've delivered your DHV stories and received IOIs from your target. You could be entering into A3. There are ways to determine if you are in A3 or by checking for qualification using the 'bait, hook, reel, release' method. If you get a response from her then reward her with an IOI then isolate the target whilst using the hand kino test.

If you don't get any response from her then it's time to go back into A2.

Keep in mind that before entering A3, you should have asked the set 'How do you all know each other?' to check that there's no relationships. Although don't ask this question too soon, otherwise this indicates interest.

Another way to test is to see if you are able to move the girl, either by trying to isolate her or bounce to a new venue. If she doesn't comply then she's still not attracted to you enough.

If you've been alienating your target up to this point, perhaps you've been negging her or teasing her. You can simply say to the group 'I've been alienating your creepy friend. Ok, if I talk to her for a couple of minutes. I'm going to take her over there, you can come join us anytime.

In order to check if you're in A3.
Bait her: Ask a simple question such as What nationality are you? What do you want to be when you grow up and don't say princess? Name three things off the top of your head that would make me want to know you more? What makes you special? When I first met you, you kind of sucked.
Hook: She responds to your question.
Reel: Give her an nonphysical legitimate IOI. Say "No way, I love German people" for example. You're giving her validation at this point.
Release: Give an IOD but don't creep her out. Something like "I can't even talk to you now. I had a crush on a German girl at high school. You're trouble for me. This is bad news". Back turn.

If she attempts to get your attention, initiate the conversation again then you're in A3 and you can look to isloate her now. By using this method you'll be making her feel like she has won you. In essence A3 is the mirror of A2. You spend about 7-10 minute in A3, thus the bait, hook, reel, release method can be done several times. If she likes something that you don't in A3, don't react or respond in a negative way like you'd want to change her now, that can come much later.

If she answers the questions in A3 then reward her with an IOI, but if she refuses, then neg her and resume with A2.

Other things to consider in A3 are if she compliments you on something, just say"No you don't. You're attracted to me". Another way to check for qualification is to use the line "So what do you have going for you besides your looks? You're very pretty. You have beautiful eyes. Can I touch them? As you go to touch them, she'll likely give you a weird look, then say "Oh, dirty fingers hold on I'll take care of that (lick fingers, wouldn't always recommend putting fingers in your mouth though).

Saturday 25 July 2009

Is she IOIing me?

Now if you're using the Mystery Method (MM) and you've been telling your DHV story in A2 whilst ignoring your target except for the odd neg or two then you may not be getting too many 101s just yet. However, not all social interactions play out the same way, so here is a list that I will continue to add to which contain numerous 101s. Some guys swear by them, others don't pay attention to them. They're just there for reference.

  • she keeps talking to you after you've used C&F
  • After 3-5 minutes in, she's looking at you, she's comfortable with your presence and is not moving around.
  • She's acting friendly.
  • She gives you the vertical scan, she looks from your head to your feet, she's checking you out and if she smiles at the end then success.
  • If she gives you the horizontal scan, from one eye to the other, then she's looking for the kiss.
  • If she has dilated pupils, by this I mean that her black iris is larger.
  • If she catches your stare, and you smile and she returns the smile then success.
  • If you say hi and she reponds, success.
  • If you engage her and she engages you back.
Now so far, you'll notice that none of these have anything to do with if she strokes her head, touches her chin or whatnot. I'm skeptical about those things, I think people just do them, but there's no meaning to them. But you can't deny the power of someone engaging you in a conversation.

IOIs which can show that you've passed the hook point are:
  • she's asking questions.
  • she asks you your name.
  • she gives extended answers to questions.
  • she turns her body language to face yours.
  • she makes eye contact with you and not her friends.
A more comprehensive list was posted over at the mPUA forums by JSmooth and many of these IOIs I just recieved the other night from a girl who was at the bar with her boyfriend. Interesting.

  • She initiates conversation after you've stopped talking.
  • She giggles.
  • She touches you or repeatedly in any way.
  • She tries to get rapport and build comfort with you.
  • She looks back and glances at you every minute or so.
  • She tosses her hair to see if you'll look.
  • She smiles at you.
  • She stands near you (proximity).
  • She interrupts your conversation from nearby or laughs at what you said.
  • While walking by, she brushed past you or turns her body to face you.
  • She says something to her friend and they both giggle.
  • When you're talking to the group, she is particularly talkative.
  • She asks for your name.
  • She asks your age.
  • She compliments you.
  • She is playful and tries to challenge you.
  • She's disagreeing but laughing.
  • She uses nicknames for you.
  • She plays with her hair while talking to you.
  • While she is sitting next to you, her leg touches yours.
  • She asks if you have a girlfriend.
  • She mentions your girlfriend without actually knowing if you have one.
  • When she has to go to the bathroom, she comes back.
  • She holds eye contact with you for longer amounts of time.
  • She avoids mentioning her boyfriend.
  • If you like something and she says she likes it too, or she needs someone to show her how to do it.
  • When she says or does something she looks at you for your reaction.
  • She looks at you from the side to hide the fact that she's looking.
  • She introduces you to friends.
  • She buys you a drink.
  • On the way out, she re-approaches you to tell you that she's leaving (get her number).
  • On your way out, she asks where you're going (invite her).
  • She returns your calls.
  • She invents reasons to be near you, interact or isolate you.
Passive IOIs

  • She doesn't leave when her friends go off.
  • She doesn't pull back or flinch if you get too close.
  • If you move, she follows or waits for you.
  • She doesn't resist when you physically escalate.
  • She moves to see you and hangs out with you for extended periods.

A2 - Male to Female Interest

So, you've approached a set and delivered your opener. You'll now be transitioning into A2. This part is where you're going to DHV (Demonstrate higher value) to the set through stories. You may only give one, two or maybe three. It all depends if you make it to A3.

It's important to calibrate your story to your set. Not all stories will work with certain sets. So consider the environment, the energy level of the set, the gender make up of the set, age etc.

Throughout this part, you'll also be negging your target and breaking rapport. Whilst building social proof through your DHV stories.

If you're receiving IOIs from your target during this stage then you could be moving into A3, but I'll come back to that later on.

When you approached you wore a great smile, but it's time to drop the smile once you're in the set.

When delivering your DHV story, make sure that the target can hear, don't tell a DHV story directly to your target alone as it'll come across as bragging. In fact, make sure you're not telling the story like you're bragging to the set either.

By telling DHV stories and negging we are increasing our value. When you're speaking in set, don't speak too fast. You should speak at about 1/3 the pace of normal speech.

There is an art to storytelling and it's something that only gets better the more your practise it. You want the story to have a few spikes but no pits. These spikes should demonstrate your qualities such as preselection, leader of men, your identity, loyalty, protector of loved ones, convey sexuality without sexual neediness.

Tell everyone in the set your story, make sure it's loud enough so everyone can hear including the target.

There's little point in memorising a story word for word, it will come across all wrong if done so like this. Instead attempt to remember the themes of the story.

I wouldn't recommend telling a DHV story that has nothing to do with your life. Adapt them to fit your life.

There is a cunning way to make sure you keep your target in the set when telling a DHV story and that's too lock her in, by placing something on her like your hat, scarf or necklace whilst you deliver the story to the rest of the guys.

By delivering your DHV story to your set, you are disarming the obstacles. In a sense, you're winning them over that you are a cool fun guy, which will be all important later on. I've included a video below, it's only worth listening to the audio which basically runs through the 10 steps to telling a DHV story. The video isn't worth watching, but it's worth listening to.

The Indirect Compliment

When approaching a woman, men may like to open with a direct compliment, but these direct compliments tend to fail for the following reasons;

  1. She may not believe it about herself.
  2. She might have heard it a million times before.
  3. She may suspect you don't really mean it.
  4. She may think you don't know her well enough to be saying it.
I think guys can pretty much get on board with all of the above. I know from experience that woman will think one of the above when you deliver a direct compliment.

However, indirect compliments are implied, thus a listener feels like it's their own thought rather than the speaker imposing it upon them.

It's important when using the indirect compliment to use three magic words.

It's just that..............

It's just that I really like/admire women with x and y, so I had to say hello. My name is .......

x and y are characteristics that you like in women such as class and style.

A more direct compliment for this could go as follows:

I couldn't help noticing how much I like your class and style so I had to say hello.

This is from taken from a Ross Jeffries video as shown below:

The Secrets that Most Men Will Never know about The Game

  1. Picking up women and getting a girlfriend is all about creating the right emotions inside of her.
  2. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Be the exemption to the rule.
  3. You can't buy a woman's true affection for you. The only way to make her fall in love with you is to create the right feelings like attraction inside of her.
  4. If you want to know what attracts women, don't ask them because they don't know why they feel attraction most of the time.
  5. When a woman says she has a boyfriend, it's often just a line to get rid of you.
  6. You can't talk a woman into loving you and convince her logically. You must trigger the feelings.
  7. Woman communicate far more subtly that men do, pay attention.
  8. Women aren't attracted to men that are of lower social value than themselves.
  9. Your body language is as important as what you say and sometimes communicates even more.
  10. Women aren't attracted to overly nice guys that shower them with compliments all the time and tell them how attractive they are. They hear this all the time.
  11. Building tension with women is good especially if it's sexual tension.
  12. If you don't create body contact fast, you're very likely to end up in the friend zone.
  13. If you never disagree with her and always do what she tells you to do then she will lose interest in you.
  14. In order to attract women, be unpredictable.
Adapted from a Facebook group titles 20 Secrets Most Men Will Never Know About Women and Dating.

A summary of the Approach

To sum up what you need to be doing at the approach;

Open a set from the side. Don't face the set with your body when opening. The gurus would argue that you'd be blown straight out if you do so. It shows that you're seeking rapport, which is lowering your value (DLV). At no point in the opener, should you seek rapport with your target.
After 30 seconds or so, you can face them.

You should make sure that you talk louder so that they can all hear you. But remember no pecking, don't lean in. Lean back. Don't play around with your hands or move around unless you've mastered the art of the body rock to demonstrate that you're going to be leaving very shortly. They say that the person who moves the least has the power in the set. So keep you legs apart, but not try hard. Keep your body still and hands relaxed.

Obey the three second rule. Don't wait. Just go in. Open with 'Hey guys' which doesn't show sexual interest. Don't rush through the material which is a common mistake made. The delivery is more important than the material.

Think about your energy level. You want to be at a more stimulating level than the set, but not too high.

Don't go in giving compliments to sets.

Don't pursue a set or follow after them. If they pass you by and you were speaking just keep raising your voice as you stand there. Don't chase after them. Style talks about never approaching from behind a set. I'd support this, it just feels creepy to the set. Never approach directly head on either. Come in at the 10 or 2 o'clock positions.

Just remember that AA will never go away. You need competence. This is better than confidence. The only way to get competence is to practise, practise, practise.

Body Language

I want to go into more detail about this important aspect. When you see any guy who is either naturally good at gaming in the field or a mPUA or any successful guy you'll notice a common trend amongst them all. They all have solid body language.

Their hands are always relaxed. If they're at a table, they may have their forearm on the table, their hands are open about half a meter apart, palms facing each other.

You'll notice moreso that they don't at any point start to sit on their hands, or hold onto something and start to play with it, they're not twiddling something in their fingers. I was once dating this HB9, but man she had some of the worst body language I'd ever come across. She kept fidgeting, hunched back, keep playing with her bracelets or the straw in her drink. Some might say that she was just nervous around the guy. But I noticed that her body language was consistent in all social interactions.

A confident person's hands are naturally still. You don't want to be seen putting your fingers into your mouth at any point, not to chew on nails or get out something stuck in your teeth. But you'll notice many amateurs doing this if you go out and look at others in the field.

Furthermore, you'll notice guys who are in clubs walking with an attitude, unfortunately for them, it's the wrong attitude. It's the guy who walks with a strut, but he has his shoulders up high, clenched fists and a strop on his face. He looks like he's in there to pick a fight not pick up women.

So just remember shoulders back, chest out, arms relaxed, out of pockets, walk slower but take longer strides. Repeat the affirmation to yourself 'I am relaxed. I am sexual. I am in control'. Keep your head up and eyes looking out along the horizon. If you catch someone's glare, don't look immediately away, hold it. Obviously if it seems like you're staring at each other and it's getting very uncomfortable it's OK to look away, but just don't look down which shows a lack of confidence, nervousness.

And on top of all of that, remember to smile, but not too much. Just send out a positive vibe about yourself, that you're a cool fun guy and people should want to get to know you.

Friday 24 July 2009

Alpha Male Manners

6 simple things you should do on dates:

  1. Shake someone by the hand whilst standing when you first meet them. Not too firm or a sissy handshake mind you.
  2. Don't talk or text on the phone on a date.
  3. Open the door for her, pull out her seat, make sure the waiter takes her order first, wait to eat until her order arrives.
  4. If the date is your idea, pick up the bill. Do it discreetly, excuse yourself to go to the restroom and pay the bill. Later when you're ready to leave, and she mentions the bill. Tell her it's already taken care of, when she looks surprised, just say "You're welcome" and that she can take care of it next time.
  5. When walking, walk on the outside of the pavement to protect her from vehicles mounting the pavement (lol).
  6. Remember your manners, 'please' and 'thank you' just like mother used to tell you.

Keeping up Appearances

They say that the first impression counts. True, the first 5 seconds of any interaction is where someone can decide which kind of person you are, just based on your looks.

So, it's incredibly important to get this area of your game handled before you go out there into the field.

I'd like to think that most guys have a good understanding of this area, but I see many guys abusing all the basics of proper dress and appearance when out and about. Shocking.

So, without further ado, here's a check list collected from various sources:

  • keep nails short, clean and neat. If I was a girl, this would be a big thing for me, I cringe at the sight of guys in Hong Kong with abnormally long finger nails. What the? Guys, get them trimmed.
  • All other hair apart from on top of your head should be trimmed, removed, there should be no hair growing out of ears or your nose guys.
  • Fix any wrong teeth, keep them white and clean. Another huge problem in Hong Kong for many guys and girls come to mention it.
  • When showering, make sure you're washing three times.
  • Use deodorant/cologne, not too much mind you. Just enough so that when someone is in your radius they can catch a whiff. My technique is a spray on the each wrist (don't rub them together), one on either side of the neck (don't pat it in) and sometimes behind the ears, but I was commented on by some folk that it was too over powering if I did 6. So I just keep it to 4 now.
  • Your voice should be deep and resonant in your chest.
  • Your body language; walk upright, hold head up, shoulders back, slow down movements, slower calculated gestures. Try to look as if you're looking at the horizon level.
  • If someone tries to get your attention, don't immediately move to them, instead slowly turn your head to hear what they have to say.
  • Keep eye contact, don't look away till they do, certainly don't break eye contact and look down.
  • Don't sit with arms or legs crossed.
  • Occupy space.
  • Lean back, not forward.
  • A mantra to say to yourself as you strut the streets. I am relaxed. I am Sexual. I am in control.
  • When talking, don't go off at 100mph, instead learn to take pauses when talking to create suspense and tension.
  • Don't fidget.
  • Don't tighten facial muscles.

NEW OPENER: The Cat Person Cold Read

Just stumbled across a new opener from Style at Stylife Academy.

Approach and say:

You: I have to ask, out of curiosity, which do you like better, cats or dogs?
Her: I'm a cat (or dog) person. I actually have two at home.
You: That's so funny. My friend was just telling me that he could figure out whether someone was a cat or dog person based on their personality. I didn't believe him at first, but he went on to explain that cat people tend to be more assertive and have stronger personalities and convictions which is why they get a pet that's more feminine. He said it's a yin yang thing. So dog people actually tend to be more shy and gentle, which is why they want a more masculine animal around to balance them. It's kind of interesting, so I thought I'd see if he was right.

After the opener, if there's someone else you wan to meet nearby you can follow with:

You: Before I go, we should quickly test it out. What do you think those people are?
Her: I'd say the girl over there is a cat person, and the one next to her is a dog person.
You: Cool. Let's go find out.

I've often used the opinion opener about which pet to buy a friend's sister, a cat or a dog and found that the ladies always enjoyed giving their opinion. One person even caught up with me after I'd left the set to add a little bit more that she'd forgot to say in the interaction which was a pleasant surprise.

A1 - The Approach/Opening Part 3

If the initial approach is unsuccessful and you're rejected for whatever reason. It's never a good idea to insult the people you have tried to open. Not only does it lower your value but your actions will have a detrimental effect on your inner game. Instead a perfect way to eject the set is to simply say "It was a pleasure meeting you". No more, no less. Although, it may be worth using Mystery's "You are a little shit. Oh my god, I eat little girls like you for breakfast" if you encounter a true bitch who attempts to ridicule you. However, still follow that up with the "It was a pleasure meeting you".

When approaching a set, do not attempt to hit on anyone when approaching which is why it's important to use indirect openers at times especially with larger sets. You're going to need to win over the friends of your targets before you get to take the girl away from them.

Another example of a commonly used opener is:

Does this shirt make me look gay/small?

This works on many levels, if you go with the gay thing then you're giving yourself a false disqualifier and are not necessarily perceived as a threat. It's important to remember to use the word 'because' after using an opener such as this, for example. Does this shirt make me look gay , (response). The reason i'm asking is BECAUSE I was coming out of the washroom earlier today and this guy made a pass at me, I think he was trying to pick me up.

Lovedrop also talked about the importance of body language when approaching. He stressed the importance of never leaning in, should always lean back. Imagine planting one foot in front and one foot back, put your weight on your back foot. Make them lean in to you. When speaking, make sure you're speaking loud enough, if they can't hear you, don't lean in, make them lean in to you, gesture to her to come closer.

If you're facing someone, you're seeking rapport. Attempt to get her to face you, if she does then you can reward her by facing her after she's giving an IOI.

There is a lot of debate over what type of opener to use. I think it's best to use the canned openers as practise in the beginning. Once you're comfortable and confident with opening then you can pretty much think of whatever to open with. You'll see naturals just opening up sets left, right and centre and they're hardly ever using opinion openers.

Finally, just make sure that when you're in set you're making people feel good about themselves. There's a check list of things to be:
Be fun
Be exciting
Be playful
Be adventurous
Be a little crazy
Be a risk taker
Have a positive outlook
and know how to escalate (make things happen)

Here's another video with Lovedrop talking more about body langauge which is something I'll talk more about in my next post.

A1 - The Approach/Opening Part 2

To summarise what Lovedrop talked about in that video I posted. He mentions about how you should approach the set. Don't go directly into the set and have your body facing the set. Instead, approach as if you're walking past the set, do a double take, then head-over-your-shoulder and open that way.

A key point to note is to keep calm and composed, so don't be fidgeting with your hands or doing too much body rocking. I would further add that you shouldn't face anyone with your body to begin with, wait until they face you which gives you a higher value then you can turn in.

When delivering your opener, you could begin stacking a few small openers. You don't want your opener to be too long winded because you'll inevitably end up boring the pants off everyone in the set and you'll lose it before you've even really begun.

You may want to consider the type of opener you're going to use on the set as follows:

If she's by herself, then you could use a direct opener.
If she's in a group, you may get cockblocked by an obstacle if you use a direct opener.

Different types of openers:

Do you know why you suck? (credit to Mystery for this one), he'll usually follow it up to her response with 'Cos I've been wanting to talk to you for the last twenty minutes and you're all Miss Popular. Who are you? (response) and that's special why?

Now I can see how this could work if you've got solid game, some might argue that you're raising her value whilst lowering your own with the comments made about you waiting around and her being miss popular, but I think you can look past that and see it as being quite playful.

A more common indirect opener is usually delivered as follows:

'Hey, let me ask you a question/get you take on something. My friend and I were talking about something and I think we need a female perspective'. What you actually talk about should be linked to current affairs or interesting trivia involving gender differences and tension.

Do you think men understand what women really want and need?
Who lies more, men or women? (Which seems to have been done to death, but not in my country as I used it the other night, haha).
What do you think of this new trend of women wanting to pay their own way.

Indirect/opinion openers are usually always best used on groups. This way you're hiding your true intent from the approach. If a woman is alone however you may want to consider a direct/compliment opener or something that ties into the situation (situational opener).

A1 - The Approach/Opening Part 1

In the Mystery Method. The first part of the pick up is the approach. Probably one of the most important parts of the whole game as without it, there's nothing else. It builds the foundation upon which to build.

That being said, what you actually say for the opener isn't really relevant. It's more about how it's delivered.

Mystery has spoken about a '3 second rule' in which a guy shouldn't wait any longer than 3 seconds to approach a set as if he does so, he will begin to create negative thoughts in his mind, the set could alter in number or leave.

Mehow went one step further and commented on how he only has a '1 second rule'. His thinking is that there's little point in stalling for a few more seconds, it's best just to go straight in as soon as you see. The guy certainly has some strong inner game, I'll give him that.

Most mPUAs would all stress the importance of entering a set with a smile on your face. It shows that you're friendly and non-threatening. Although it's important to stress that you shouldn't keep it there once you've entered the set otherwise you're given on a creepy kind of vibe.

Another thing to note is the energy level at which you enter into any set. If you're going in with a lower energy level that the set currently possesses, then you're going to be seen as bringing the group down and nobody wants a party pooper. However, don't go too overboard with this, otherwise you're gonna come across as a lunatic who just escaped from the asylum.

Lovedrop did an excellent job talking about approaching as seen in this video from a bootcamp:

Welcome to the world of the PUA community

The community used to be very much underground but then a book was released which fully exposed the community. That book was written by Neil Strauss and was called The Game. I read the book about a year and a half ago and it quickly changed how I looked at any kind of interaction between the two sexes.

Soon after, I began checking out more material online and learning various phrases such as kino escalation, cat string theory, negging and LMR. Now everything makes sense and I can see how wrong I went about things in the past, which is not to say that I didn't have any success in the field.

This blog will be an accumulation of all the material on the net condensed into one place. It's gonna include videos from the mPUAs like Mystery, Style, AFC Adam, Mehow, Lovedrop, Matador and Sinn. I'm gonna gather things like openers, negs, DHVs, routines all in their own respective blog posts.

Hopefully, this blog can become full of tales in the upcoming days, weeks, months and years of new almost fantasy tales which can easily be lived out by people in the know. Everyone else is just trying to drive a car with their eyes closed.