Monday 24 August 2009


(in comfort) Wow we used to be SO close (cross fingers). It's like we were hugging. But now we've fallen apart (uncross your fingers, hold up a peace sign). Now, I guess you just wanna hold hands.

(acting up) Wow, how does your boyfriend put up with you? Err, I don't have a bf. Well that's probably for the best. So what am I going to get paid for babysitting tonight?

(Intro) So, what's your name? (response) Wow! That's a very unique. What is that, like Turkish or something?

(calls you out on something) Well, I thought I was being cute and funny. But I guess I was just being cute.

(she's hitting on you) Buy me a drink before you hit on me like that.

(when calls) Hey, how are you? I'm good, how are you? Good. Wait, you're good? (pause) I bet I could make you so bad.

(she's nervous) Hey, can you do me a favour? Um, sure. Can you smile? (complies) It looks good on you.

(at hook point) Have you ever met someone that you just felt so comfortable around? You know, you really hit it off with them? I totally know what you mean. Yeah, I've never met a person like that (smile)

(tries to bring you down) Why are you so happy? I don't know, but it's a lot of fun. You should try it out sometime.

(she says she has a boyfriend playfully) I can totally relate. I actually have two kids. Wow, we just started talking, never met before and now I'm your boyfriend already? What do you mean? I haven't asked you out yet.
(she says she has a boyfriend defensively) Wow, I'm sorry, you must have thought I was hitting on you. I was actually just being nice.
(she says she has a boyfriend bitchy) Great. Can you do me a favour? Tell him to go fuck himself.

(k-close routine) Hey, I've got something for ya. Remind me to give it to you later. (later) Hey, so where's my present? Okay, close your eyes and open your hand. (Hold by hand and kiss her) But that was only for you. So don't go around telling everyone I'm giving away free shit.

(before kiss) What is the first thing you would say after you kissed me? Um, I don't know. Well, let's find out. I bet you I could kiss you before you could kiss me. No you can't.

(disqualifier after hook point) Admit it, you like me. Yeah I like you...... but I'm not IN like with you.

(conversation run dry) Hey do you wear glasses? No. Oh that sucks. I guess you can't see how good looking I am.

(text gf having a bad day) You're silly. You're kind of weird and you're a bit too cute at times...but I like you anyway.

(setting time constraint) Hey, I got to let you go at 8.12. Why 8.12? Well, I got so much shit to do at 8.13.

(what do you do?) I'm a traffic light repairman. It's pretty cool actually, I drive around with a portable machine and I can change the colours on each light. So next time you're late for work, give me a call and I'll hook you up.
I pack parachutes for skydivers. You should come check it out. By the way, how much do you trust me?
I'm in a rock band. As a matter of fact, we're looking for a drummer and you look like you just might fit the part. I'll go ahead and put you on the list for auditions next week.

(build rapport) Did you know that the best compliment you can give to a woman is to simply repeat her name. Really? Yeah, for instance, what's your sisters name? (name) So, the next time you get off the phone with (name) tell her, I love you (name) or great talking to you (name). Then notice the difference. Repeat her name as you say goodbye.

(after k-close and hook point) I'm having a lot of fun. I think we should get lunch tomorrow. Yeah absolutely. Well what time do you think we'll wake up. Denies. I meant what time am I picking you up? Haha, you thought I was that easy?

(after k-closed on day 3) Walk up, kiss, peck on lips. I thought I'd make the situation awkward now, rather than trying to make it awkward later.

(day 3) I think I'm gonna wanna party again on Friday! Lucky you.

(DHV) Do you mind entertaining me over a drink? How about you take me out for dinner sometime?

(after escalation and isolation) Ask: Would you say you are an adventurous person? Yes. That's awesome! Me too! But would you say you're a spontaneous person? Yes. I'm pretty spontaneous myself! Now would you say you're a good kisser? Yes. Let's see...

(after text SOI) You should try out to be my new partner-in-crime. Long line, but it might be worth it.

(rock paper scissors) I bet you my next drink I can beat you in rock, paper, scissors.

(paper) I knew you were going to throw paper. It's in your personality. You just got your nails done and you want me to appreciate your manicure. Sorry, I don't do well with high maintenance girls.

(rock) Most girls throw rock because they have to feel emotionally superior and powerful. But I didn't think you were on of those kids.

(SOI, unprompted text) Hey you, I was just thinking about you. You know, you're one of the very few girls that can make me smile at 10.33am everyone else makes me smile at 10.34.

(after n-close) dial her number, tell her not to pick it up, leave an important message. Describe how much fun she's having, describe the situation. Put her on the phone, tell her to say something to herself about how much fun she is having. "Say something. But don't mess this up because this message is really important and I hardly ever leave messages for people". Next day, follow up the text. "Hey, I hope you saved that message for me. I want to hear it.

(kino escalation at interaction) Hey, I'm (name), extend hand, (secret handshake), (thumb war), (continue shaking hand as hold conversation).

(Asks you to buy her a drink) Well, I would buy you a drink, but then when you fall in love with me. I wouldn't be sure whether it was actually be me, or because I spoiled you.

(If says too old for you) You're right. In ten years from now, I'd be forced to leave you for a younger sexier version of a girl that looks exactly like you.

(fishing for compliments) I would love to give you a compliment but I don't want you to turn into a stalker because I am so sweet and charming.

(accused of using a pick up line) You thought I was hitting on you? That's cute, but I don't think you could handle me.

(arranging a meet) I'm interested in you... don't worry you'll probably say something to turn me away, as long as you don't speak, we're GOLD.
I'd like to meet you and get to know you better, don't get a big head on me or anything, all I'm promising is interesting conversation.

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