Saturday 25 July 2009

A2 - Male to Female Interest

So, you've approached a set and delivered your opener. You'll now be transitioning into A2. This part is where you're going to DHV (Demonstrate higher value) to the set through stories. You may only give one, two or maybe three. It all depends if you make it to A3.

It's important to calibrate your story to your set. Not all stories will work with certain sets. So consider the environment, the energy level of the set, the gender make up of the set, age etc.

Throughout this part, you'll also be negging your target and breaking rapport. Whilst building social proof through your DHV stories.

If you're receiving IOIs from your target during this stage then you could be moving into A3, but I'll come back to that later on.

When you approached you wore a great smile, but it's time to drop the smile once you're in the set.

When delivering your DHV story, make sure that the target can hear, don't tell a DHV story directly to your target alone as it'll come across as bragging. In fact, make sure you're not telling the story like you're bragging to the set either.

By telling DHV stories and negging we are increasing our value. When you're speaking in set, don't speak too fast. You should speak at about 1/3 the pace of normal speech.

There is an art to storytelling and it's something that only gets better the more your practise it. You want the story to have a few spikes but no pits. These spikes should demonstrate your qualities such as preselection, leader of men, your identity, loyalty, protector of loved ones, convey sexuality without sexual neediness.

Tell everyone in the set your story, make sure it's loud enough so everyone can hear including the target.

There's little point in memorising a story word for word, it will come across all wrong if done so like this. Instead attempt to remember the themes of the story.

I wouldn't recommend telling a DHV story that has nothing to do with your life. Adapt them to fit your life.

There is a cunning way to make sure you keep your target in the set when telling a DHV story and that's too lock her in, by placing something on her like your hat, scarf or necklace whilst you deliver the story to the rest of the guys.

By delivering your DHV story to your set, you are disarming the obstacles. In a sense, you're winning them over that you are a cool fun guy, which will be all important later on. I've included a video below, it's only worth listening to the audio which basically runs through the 10 steps to telling a DHV story. The video isn't worth watching, but it's worth listening to.

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