Friday 24 July 2009

A1 - The Approach/Opening Part 2

To summarise what Lovedrop talked about in that video I posted. He mentions about how you should approach the set. Don't go directly into the set and have your body facing the set. Instead, approach as if you're walking past the set, do a double take, then head-over-your-shoulder and open that way.

A key point to note is to keep calm and composed, so don't be fidgeting with your hands or doing too much body rocking. I would further add that you shouldn't face anyone with your body to begin with, wait until they face you which gives you a higher value then you can turn in.

When delivering your opener, you could begin stacking a few small openers. You don't want your opener to be too long winded because you'll inevitably end up boring the pants off everyone in the set and you'll lose it before you've even really begun.

You may want to consider the type of opener you're going to use on the set as follows:

If she's by herself, then you could use a direct opener.
If she's in a group, you may get cockblocked by an obstacle if you use a direct opener.

Different types of openers:

Do you know why you suck? (credit to Mystery for this one), he'll usually follow it up to her response with 'Cos I've been wanting to talk to you for the last twenty minutes and you're all Miss Popular. Who are you? (response) and that's special why?

Now I can see how this could work if you've got solid game, some might argue that you're raising her value whilst lowering your own with the comments made about you waiting around and her being miss popular, but I think you can look past that and see it as being quite playful.

A more common indirect opener is usually delivered as follows:

'Hey, let me ask you a question/get you take on something. My friend and I were talking about something and I think we need a female perspective'. What you actually talk about should be linked to current affairs or interesting trivia involving gender differences and tension.

Do you think men understand what women really want and need?
Who lies more, men or women? (Which seems to have been done to death, but not in my country as I used it the other night, haha).
What do you think of this new trend of women wanting to pay their own way.

Indirect/opinion openers are usually always best used on groups. This way you're hiding your true intent from the approach. If a woman is alone however you may want to consider a direct/compliment opener or something that ties into the situation (situational opener).

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