Saturday 25 July 2009

A summary of the Approach

To sum up what you need to be doing at the approach;

Open a set from the side. Don't face the set with your body when opening. The gurus would argue that you'd be blown straight out if you do so. It shows that you're seeking rapport, which is lowering your value (DLV). At no point in the opener, should you seek rapport with your target.
After 30 seconds or so, you can face them.

You should make sure that you talk louder so that they can all hear you. But remember no pecking, don't lean in. Lean back. Don't play around with your hands or move around unless you've mastered the art of the body rock to demonstrate that you're going to be leaving very shortly. They say that the person who moves the least has the power in the set. So keep you legs apart, but not try hard. Keep your body still and hands relaxed.

Obey the three second rule. Don't wait. Just go in. Open with 'Hey guys' which doesn't show sexual interest. Don't rush through the material which is a common mistake made. The delivery is more important than the material.

Think about your energy level. You want to be at a more stimulating level than the set, but not too high.

Don't go in giving compliments to sets.

Don't pursue a set or follow after them. If they pass you by and you were speaking just keep raising your voice as you stand there. Don't chase after them. Style talks about never approaching from behind a set. I'd support this, it just feels creepy to the set. Never approach directly head on either. Come in at the 10 or 2 o'clock positions.

Just remember that AA will never go away. You need competence. This is better than confidence. The only way to get competence is to practise, practise, practise.

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