Saturday 25 July 2009

The Indirect Compliment

When approaching a woman, men may like to open with a direct compliment, but these direct compliments tend to fail for the following reasons;

  1. She may not believe it about herself.
  2. She might have heard it a million times before.
  3. She may suspect you don't really mean it.
  4. She may think you don't know her well enough to be saying it.
I think guys can pretty much get on board with all of the above. I know from experience that woman will think one of the above when you deliver a direct compliment.

However, indirect compliments are implied, thus a listener feels like it's their own thought rather than the speaker imposing it upon them.

It's important when using the indirect compliment to use three magic words.

It's just that..............

It's just that I really like/admire women with x and y, so I had to say hello. My name is .......

x and y are characteristics that you like in women such as class and style.

A more direct compliment for this could go as follows:

I couldn't help noticing how much I like your class and style so I had to say hello.

This is from taken from a Ross Jeffries video as shown below:

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