Tuesday 11 August 2009

Routines - Questions Game

Question Game:

Usually a girl is going to ask you at some point in the interaction, a dull and boring question like 'so what do you do?', 'where are you from?' Yadda yadda. You could set up a hoop for her to jump through before answering these. But if you're in comfort and building rapport, then perhaps you'd like to get to know about the girl too so here's a fun game to play.

Set the rules for the game. The questions go back and forth, you must answer honestly. You can't ask the same question and no boring questions. Then tell her to go first, now apparently a girl will always tell you to go first at this point, but in my experience they never have done. If they let you go first then a good first question to ask to lead the game is 'So, how many boyfriends have you had?'. By the way, if she does take the lead and wants to ask the first question, I take that as an IOI. Of course, she can't ask this back to you about your girlfriends.

The girls I've played with this usually take the first question and run with the dating questions. I like to spice things up and ask other questions like 'When did you lose your virginity?' 'Have you ever gone down on a girl?' 'Where's the weirdest place you've ever had sex?' 'Name one spot on your body that you love being kissed except for your lips'.

Now using those questions takes careful calibration of your girl. I was unsure about using them on this rather shy and timid girl, but she gave honest answers. I discovered that she was a virgin, no lie. Glad to have found that out then and there and not later on. Needless to say, I didn't f-close that one.

Also, only use this game in isolation. She may not feel comfortable in front of her friends and they may also interrupt.

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