Monday 10 August 2009

Sarging with a Wingman

If you're out on a sarging mission with your wing then don't tandem hunt. Don't both approach the set together. It displays a lack of confidence and telegraphs your interest.

You should approach the set alone and don't make the mistake of letting your wing stand besides you as it lowers the wing's value and if he is hanging with you then it's lowering your value.

Don't accomplishment intro your wing in front of him.

When your wing enters the set after about 1.5-3 mintues. Have him say "were just talking about.......(based on your opener). Your wing then works the set with his own opener like the fight outside opener. When the wing comes into the group don't have everyone in the set introduce themselves. Just have the wing talk to the target to accomplishment intro you whilst you, the PUA, works the obstacles then switch.

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